Simple to get here

By Bus

Tourists who alight at Bangalore and Goa can reach Hospet through various buses provided by KSTDC and KTC in various tariffs.
Bus Information CLICK here.

By Car

From Bangalore, it is 350 kms drive till Chitradurga on NH-4, take a right turn on NH-13 towards Sholapur till Hospet, and then drive another 13 km to reach Hampi (direction towards Hampi is well marked).

By Train

Tourists who alight at Bangalore and Goa can reach Hospet through number of trains operated to and from Bangalore, Goa and various parts of Karnataka.
Train Information CLICK here.

By Air

There are number of Flights from Bangalore, Goa to various parts of India. It is easy to reach Hospet by road and then to Hampi.
Flight Information CLICK here