No other part of the Royal Center displays such a complex series of the water works as this zone. The enclosure is divided into four unequal quadrants by a partly preserved stone aqueduct. Water apparently entered the enclosure from a channel in the middle of the east side, now only preserved in fragments. At first laid on the surface and then, as the ground falls away, raised as a U-shaped stone channel on piers. The aqueduct proceeds westwards until it meets a well in the middle of the enclosure. Before this well is reached, however a secondary branch leads southwards towards the great tank. From the middle of the enclosure the aqueduct divides into two parts. That part continuing westwards is only preserved for a short distance, the line of supporting stone piers soon disappearing. That part turning northwards, though, is still to be seen. Descending to ground level, this channel flanks several structures. Joins two secondary branches leading eastwards; turns through a courtyard and then divides into a west branch and two northeast branches. The channels ultimately vanish beneath the enclosure walls to the north.