Basement of King’s Audience Hall

The general style of the King's audience hall suggests for it an earlier date than the majority of the exposed buildings in the Citadel area. There is a paved courtyard at the south-east corner where probably the homa was performed during the festivities. Southern side and a little further away on the west is a square moulded base which probably was a shrine. Remains of a colonnade extend from its east face almost up to the underground chamber and probably formed part of a larger structure.


The loftiest building in the Royal Citadel is the King’s audience hall. Remains of pillars-sockets and bases show that it was originally a hall with hundred pillars.

In front of the audience hall is a large enclosure, which was probably a general assembly area. According to scholars it was in this courtyard that public discussions and proceedings of the Vijayanagara court took place.


This large structure is about 137 meters to the west of the Mahanavami-dibba. Vestiges of pillar-sockets and bases show that it was originally a hall of hundred pillars. It faces north, on which side two large flights of steps at the eastern and western extremities lead up to the top of the platform. A shorter central flight of steps with a surul balustrade in green chlorite having lotus medallions, leads to an intermediate platform which runs round three sides. The southern side of this platform has a staircase rising from the ground-level to a height of about 4.5 meters above the floor level of the platform.